Dental Care/Oral Surgery

Dentistry is a veterinary service that is often undervalued. Periodontal disease contributes to a significant level of oral pain and infection that can spread to other areas of your pet's body.  Our dental equipment allows us to effectively remove dental plaque and tartar, and when necessary, extract diseased teeth that can become a source of ongoing oral health problems and pain. Each tooth is carefully examined to determine its needs. Deep pockets often develop between the gum and tooth that allows food and bacteria to accumulate, leading to inflammation and infection. These problems must be resolved for dental care at home to be of significant benefit to your pet. Prevention of periodontal disease by daily brushing or use of dental products designed for those pets who don't tolerate daily brushing are encouraged. Our staff will be happy to discuss dental prophylaxis with you and help determine which method or product best suits your pet's needs.